Hi I’m Heather! Now where do I start…….
I’m not a writer, I’m more into photos. My skillset is numbers but as my web guy has said I need to put content on my site, and guess what the easiest way to do that is. Yep, a blog. (Hides face in hands and sobs).

So, I best give you the full details of me. If you read my Insta bio I’m a country accountant, mother of 2 and a dogsbody to the world. Which isn’t far wrong. I have a few more strings to my bow though. Im parent to 2 kids under 10, I’m a Chartered accountant, I keep pedigree Ryeland sheep, mentor for Farming Connect, Chair of trustees for a Charity and Treasurer for a sheepdog trial. And when I’m not busy with that lot I’m sourcing stock for this site, listening to radio 1 and eating!

So, if that list of stuff hasn’t made you got “F**k me your busy why are you selling sticks as well” I’d be very surprised. But I’m loving this project. I’ve learned web design, I’ve met new people, I’ve found the most amazing stock of sticks and crooks to sell. The site is at a bit of a love/hate stage at the moment as its all now to do with optimising it for Google and not actually doing the really funky bits like looking for new crooks, Thumb sticks and posting about them. So, apologies if the content sounds a bit me orientated – I assure you future blogs will be more about the crafting of sticks, the history of shepherd’s crooks and less about muggins.
There are really unique pieces in my stock at the moment and to be honest I’m quite happy to keep them if they don’t sell straight away as they are beautifully made and look cool in my living room.
The art of crafting a stick is somewhat an “old mans” craft. I don’t know of many craftspeople under 50 who produce these amazing sticks. I wish I could be as talented as the people who now supply me. I love woodwork, I built a butcher’s block for my GCSC woodworking project which is still in my house 16 years later but with 2 kids and more than one job, I’m having to prioritise the digital craft of web building.

I'm determined by the end of the year to make my own – (written here for accountability) but until then I’ve nabbed this stick out of stock and am using it while I check my sheep. (shes beautifull walnut, ash and purple heart crook).
So that’s me – Putt the kettle on the 1st blog post is done!!!